What the heck!?!

I know that my blog is mostly business related but I just had to add this post tonight.  I have been living in Saskatchewan for 27 years now and maybe this happens all the time (it probably does) but I’ve never seen it before.  I could see my 1 year old Collie ‘Axel’ running around one of the steel bins in my  yard and looking up, so I headed out with my camera in hand to see what was going on.  As I got closer I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There was this very large raccoon that seemed to be stuck, I thought dead, on the top of my bin.  I couldn’t believe it.  I hollered at it and it never blinked or moved a muscle.  “Definitely dead”, I thought to myself.  So I went to get the kids.  We all ran back out there.  “He’s not dead Mom”, they said and one of them tossed a stone up onto the bin.  He jumped.  “Told you he wasn’t dead”.  What do I know.  Anyway, after taking a few pictures, we collected the dog and brought him into the house so he wouldn’t terrorize this poor creature.  I just checked and he’s still up there.  Maybe under the cover of darkness he will actually try to navigate his way back down to earth. Here’s a few shots of the poor fella.  LOL, I still can’t believe it.

~ by browneyedgirl13 on August 24, 2008.

2 Responses to “What the heck!?!”

  1. LOL!! OMG, thats halarious! Maybe put some food out near the edge so he’ll come down? He sure is cute though… let me know how the poor creature does.

  2. That is sooo cute!!

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